• Published :January 20, 2023
  • Client :Hotel Address Wayanad
  • Category :,
  • Website :https://addresswayanad.com/
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Overview - Address Wayanad (Hotel)

It is a small comfortable hotel. Our staff offers an attentive high-quality service and is always ready to offer any help to guests.

The hotel is arranged on three floors. On the ground floor, apart from the reception, there is a comfortable lounge where you can sit and drink tea or just read. There is also a splendid terrace, where you can relax and immerse yourself into upcoming morning of a new wonderful day in the atmosphere of daily life, watch the city fuss & people who are gathering together and whose conversations fill all the streets and alleys. There is an amazing fusion of calm and tranquility at hotel with hectic and noise outside.


The discovery process was a very important first step in achieving a successful design of Hotel Address Wayanad’s website. To ensure the new site will be an accurate reflection and representation of the brand, we conducted an in-depth analysis of their current site and interviewed their team and key stakeholders to identify the frustrations with their current site and the priorities for the redesign.

The biggest challenge with their current site was that it didn’t reflect the quality or the artisanship of their produce. Being the world’s leader and expert in the field, this was a very important aspect to prioritize in the strategic planning of the new design. Other key takeaways from the discovery meeting was their desire to increase brand awareness, showcase current career opportunities, and display the global reach of their products.

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